Friday, September 24, 2010


I'm working on a project in which my students become a famous inventor (8th grade) or a country (7th grade). I still have some kinks to work out, but they are very excited and helping me create the parameters and rubric. I've also created a wiki for them to use for their homework, (7th grade and 8th grade) view and respond to videos (thanks Jim!). Right now we are getting everyone signed up. They are using their parents email to foster parental involvement. I'm also creating Prezis for the Diocesan Geography Bee and to kick off National History Day with the students--I'm hoping they see the light and ditch PowerPoint! As I finish each little (or not so little) project I'll post them here and to my wiki that we are using for class. Diigo has also been great and I have created a place to put all the links for their NHD projects. All in all--I'm so busy I don't have time to worry about anything else!