Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 5 Reflection--More New Tools!

Google Earth is cool again. I'm so happy that I was able to create that tour! I think that will be interesting for my students to be able to create their own and include pictures and links for others to check out. I can't wait to see what everyone else created. Edmodo is excellent. I'm excited to set it up with my students and get them involved. I think it will make a great "historical" Facebook lesson not to mention all the other features.

The presentation didn't go so well. Actually, I was ready to nap. I know how important the legal issues are for all of us and our administration, but can't we sum it up in a way that is easy to understand and CLEAR? I'm going to check out the sites on the wiki and try to increase my understanding. I was looking forward to backchanneling. I hope we get to try that with something, I'm anxious to see that work.

As we were working this afternoon I found the StainedGlass site. That is so neat! I really liked Jim's idea of putting a collage of all the kids together and hanging it on the wall! I wasn't overly impressed with Animoto--I couldn't get it to work right, frustrating. Overall, it was another productive day!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lucy - Animoto isn't much of a learning tool for kids, but one idea that Jim suggested last year was to put together a short video of your students to show parents on back to school night. I did that and the parents loved it. I snapped photos of the kids working in the classroom and put them together with a cute little song. The video loops so I had it playing on the screen when parents came into the room. They loved seeing their children actually reading a book or writing a paper!
