Monday, October 18, 2010

More Reflecting...or whining

So, I think I've given new meaning to biting off more than I can chew as I sit with 14 tabs open. I'm checking on their Edmodo posts, what they are doing on Wallwisher (they love that, this is just one), the posts they are creating on our class wiki (7th and 8th) (I really should have put more thought into creating different accounts for each class), making sure I have everything done for class, keeping track of email and diigo and creating my project in Glogster--which, of course, I deleted the first time I typed it into the projects section. I won't mention the personal stuff, there's not enough room! However, I've turned my 9 year old into a guinea pig for everything I want to try and I think I've created a techmonster.
I'm really having a great time showing them all the great new things I've discovered, but they are not nearly as tech savvy as I had thought. I'm not sure if that is good or not so good, but i have been invited to a few new blogs and they invite me to un-class-related glogs as they create them and play around to learn to use the tools. We are learning together and I'm very glad that I have loving, caring, very patient students.
I have learned, yet again, that I need a new system of organization. Okay, not necessarily new, but definitely different. I need a day to catch up, but I think I'd just use the time to sleep (that's the thing you do when you close your eyes, right?). When it's all said and done I'm ten steps behind where I need to be and twenty behind where I want to be--can I get a vote for adding another 8 hours to a day?


  1. Very interesting. Years ago there were many folks who kept saying, "The kids are DOING this stuff..." I wasn't seeing it, but who was I to argue. Now it's widely accepted that they do NOT have the tech skills we give them credit for. They're VERY lucky to have YOU there to guide them, however.

  2. And I'm lucky to have you to guide me! They saw your pic on Edmodo today and think it's great! Check out some of the posts they are making. I have the project on my web page--I can't link here? ( and on Glogster. I also have them using Wallwisher to take notes. It's a lot of work and keeping up, but it has made my class more interesting and they are really getting into it!
