My takeaway from today was that I had a bad attitude when it came to Google Docs. This was really unfounded, but I’ve seen it before. I used to ignore e-mails from my tech coach about wikis mostly because I didn’t really even know what a wiki was, let alone how to use it. Once I really got wiki, it has become one the most powerful (and easy) tools up my secret teacher sleeve. The same thing has happened with Google Docs. I choose Moodle training instead and didn’t think it was so great when Tony suggested we plan our learning technologies categories discussion in Google Docs . After seeing what Google Docs can really do today and letting my mind race to the possibilities, I’m sold. This is a wonderfully functional and collaborative tool that could greatly impact the way students and I view writing instruction among other things.
I REALLY believe that Google docs has the greatest potential to have the greatest impact on how we teach. If I can help you in ANY way learn some ins and outs of GD, please just ask. For example, I could point you to a great recorded webinar that shows how to make much more advanced forms. Just say the word.