First, let me note that the tools to which I am being exposed in class are very helpful. Inconveniently, however, I don't teach, so apparently the homework will be, to a degree, substantively inapplicable to me. Your patience with my efforts to accommodate the homework is, of course, appreciated.
What are your thoughts about private vs public blogs?
Candidly, I'm a pretty broad-minded person, so absent lies, personal attacks, etc. I could care less.
What about student blogs?
I'm guessing these are probably very health things especially if the parents read therm. Conversations between adults and kids can be difficult and awkward at times,and student blogs might help grease the wheels for various discussions.
What ideas do you have about blogs for students?
I'm sure there will be a significant degree of self-editing/topics not discussed, but every little bit of reflection helps. Additionally, it might help teachers to better know their students and thus find more common ground with each individual.
What concerns do you have about blogging with students?
I suppose some ugly truths might be revealed.
RE: revealing some ugly truths - that's why teachers of the younger students especially want the kind of blog that can be moderated before it is published. If they don't have that kind of blog then they ask that the students write their posts ahead of time, submit them to the teacher (in Word or text editor) and the teacher approves. Only then does the student copy and paste it into the blog to publish.