Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 5 Thoughts

The discussion on the apps today and how useful/useless they were in the classroom was helpful. Several years ago we had a tech teacher who sent us several emails a day with links to different sites and tools, but no application ideas. It's difficult to find time in the day to do all that is required and then spend several hours checking out websites and tools and trying to figure out how to use them. Discussions such as today's - what works, what doesn't - how others have used things to promote learning, was just what the doctor ordered.
I'm very excited about how I can use many of the apps in my new job without the same constraints of AUPs for 13 year old students! We're supposed to use WebCT, which is useful to a degree - but Google Docs and Mixed Ink have more possibilities. And the LiveBinderIt app was great - when my students work on a collaborative research project, they usually print out the web address to share with the other group members -- with this app they can just put it all in a binder and share it! How fabulous for them, but I want to do more than give them organization tools. At this point I'm anxious to just sit and play with everything, and figure out how to bring it into lessons so that it actually improves student learning.

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