Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reflection as of Now

The way in which the Web 2.0 tools are used is key to true learning. Any of these tools can be just an add-on and may excite kids but really no learning is taking place. The trick is use the tool in such a way that higher order of thinking is required. Also, we need to teach kids to plan, to storyboard, and not just "start" their project without all the necessary planning, up front work.

A teacher can also be Web 2.0 to death. There is so much out there you could drive yourself crazy trying to consume it all. It is best to find a few and work with them and become comfortable using them. Then start adding to your repertiore of tools.

Copyright and appropriate use of technology are two issues, I think, we need to teach. Ways to teach these two topics is something I would like to explore.


  1. Especially as a newcomer to these 2.0 tools, I agree that you have to pick 1-2, and try to concentrate on incorporating them to the best of your ability.Little by little.... one step at a time!

  2. It is overwhelming. You're right, little by little...step by step.

  3. Amen, Sandy! That's why I like having the breaks in-between - gives us time to sort through everything and think about what would be useful for us.
