Thursday, July 28, 2011

Innovations in teaching

After watching the videos the last few days yo have to wonder where is education heading and what will the classroom look like in 10-20 years. On the one hand it may not look much different than it does today. Education has a way of moving slowly and changing slowly. I don't think this is a bad thing. Contrary to popular opinion I think our system has done an excellent job educating people in this country. As with most things in a free society we give you the tools and the opportunity and then it's up to you. We've talked about change in education a lot over the years but I think the shift with using technology is real. I can see in as little as 10 years at least half of the students will be in a classroom at least half of the time they are now. This isn't a bad thing, it will simply over more opportunity and different opportunities for teachers to teach. For teachers it will require a different set of skills. This is the difficult part for me. I know how to teach chemistry and I know what kids need to do to learn chemistry but I don't know how to do it using web 2.0 tools. As we watch these examples of what teachers are doing and how they're doing it it's very scary yet exciting. I think we're going through big changes in education and staying ahead of the curve is becoming more and more important.

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